Antigone Akgün

Antigone Akgün (*1993 in Frankfurt/Main) is a freelance performer, author and dramaturge. She studied theater, film and media studies, classical archaeology, Greek philology and philosophy at the Goethe University (Frankfurt/Main) and a master’s degree in dramaturgy at the Hessian Theater Academy. Prior to that she trained as an actor in Greece.

As a performer she was and is active, among others with the Scottish artist* duo Rosana Cade and Laurie Brown, as well as in works by Martina Droste, Prodromos Tsinikoris, Boris Nikitin, Sebastian Mauksch, the performance collective tausend||eins frankfurt and at the Mladinsko Theatre in Ljubljana.

In 2013 she was a scholarship holder at the Ancient Greek Drama School in Epidaurus. Since 2014 she is a member of the European Network for Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama. Since 2017, she has been a juror at the Berliner Festspiele’s Theatertreffen der Jugend and writes in various capacities for the editorial staff of the Berliner Festspiele’s national competitions. 2019 fellow of the Theatertreffen Blog / Berliner Festspiele.

In addition, dramaturgical collaborations, including. for Ulrich Rasche (“Die Perser” / Salzburg Festival 2018), Hannah Schassner (“Kleine Leute” Theaterperipherie Frankfurt am Main 2019), as well as text composition for Julia Wissert’s production “2069 – Das Ende der Anderen” / Schauspielhaus Bochum 2019 (invited to the Heidelberger Stückemarkt 2020) and authorship for “NATHAN” (Theater Regensburg 2020), as well as for the production “CHÖRE DES SPEKULATIVEN” (director: Sebastian Blasius / Uferstudios Berlin 2020). In 2021 she is a fellow of the Hans-Gratzer-Scholarship (Schauspielhaus Wien), writes for the PATHOS Munich in the project “The Beauties and the beasts – Penpal” and is author of the commissioned work “body*” at the Stadtensemble of the NTMannheim. She also develops performative discourse formats that target structural changes and diversification of cultural and art institutions.



  • Let’s talk about post-migrant theatre! [ENGLISH_ENGLISCH]

    Maíra Wiener (Master Dramaturgy Frankfurt) “Post-migrant theater in rural areas? Thoughts on chances and challenges” Antigone Akgün (MA – HTA) “Theater of Speechlessness? Who speaks – what he*she speaks – how he*she speaks determines who hears – what he*she hears – how he*she hears.” REVIVAL (Room 1)