Dr. Azadeh Sharifi
Azadeh Sharifi is currently a Guest Professor at the University of Fine Arts (UDK) Berlin. She is working on her second book (Post)migrant Theatre in German Theatre History—(Dis)Continuity of Aesthetics and Narratives. Her work engages with (post)colonial and (post)migrant Theatre history, performances by artists of color and the intersections of race and gender in contemporary European performances. Previously, she was a Researcher at the Department of Theatre Studies at LMU Munich and a Fellow at the International Research Center Interweaving Performance Cultures at Free University Berlin. She is a Board Member (Development Officer) of Performance Studies international (PSi) and co-editor of Interventions – Contemporary Theatre Review (CTR).
Resistance, Intervention and the making of History [ENGLISH_ENGLISCH]
Resistance, Intervention and the making of History
Contingency, (Dis-)Continuity and the history of postmigrant theatre [ENGLISH_ENGLISCH]
Contingency, (Dis-)Continuity and the history of postmigrant theatre [KEYNOTE SPEAKING]