Betül Yarar
- https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/fb12/arbeitsbereiche/abteilung-a-allgemeine-erziehungswissenschaft/interkulturelle-bildung/team/ehemalige/prof-dr-betuel-yarar
Betül Yarar is a professor of Sociology of Communication, working at the University of Haci Bayram Veli in Ankara, Turkey. Previously she worked for several years as a senior researcher at Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, and the University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. During her stay in Germany and within the context of her experience as an exiled scholar, since 2019, she has also engaged in exile studies and conducted two research projects together with Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu (University of Bremen) and with Prof. Dr. Arndt M. Nohl (Helmut Schmidt University). Within the context of these research projects, she has written many conference papers and peer-reviewed articles. Her research areas are exile studies and humanitarianism, Cultural studies, Gender studies, and Sociology of Turkey.
Reseding Academia: Cultivating Roots of Renewal
* Pınar Şenoğuz – Moderator * Bediz Yılmaz (Aca-theme Keynote) –Rhizome in the Making: Academics for Peace at Home and in Exile [ONLINE] * Betül Yarar – Is there such a thing as ‘New Academic Humanitarianism’? Changing and Emerging Discursive and Organisational Strategies in Managing ‘Risk’ or ‘Scholars at Risk [ONLINE] * Ergün Özgür – Critical […]