Gülçin Balamir Coşkun

Gülçin Balamir Coşkun is an associate professor of the political science and serves as the academic coordinator at the Center for Comparative Research on Democracy. Previously, from 2018 to 2021, she worked as an Einstein Fellow at the Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Currently, she is one of the senior research associates contributing to the project “Judicial autonomy under authoritarian attack” at the same institute. Her research focuses on authoritarianism, judicial independence, rule of law, media capture, and local democracy. Coşkun’s current research explores the role of lawyers in authoritarian states.


  • New-exile Journalism: Uprooted Media in Flux

    * Christine Hanke – Moderator * Gülcin Balamir Coşkun – Journalism in Exile: The Professional Networks and Challenges of Reporters from Turkey [ONLINE] * Kübra Zeynep Sarıaslan – NGOization of Journalısm: Practices of Project- Based News-Making On Turkey from German Exile * Aslı Telli – Who Wears the BEST Hat of Super-diversity? Exiled Minds or S/Heroes […]