Dr. Lizzie Stewart
Dr. Lizzie Stewart is a Lecturer in Modern Languages, Culture and Society at King’s College London. Prior to this she also held positions at the Universities of Edinburgh, St Andrews, and Cambridge. Her research to date explores cultures of migration, with a focus on theatre and performance. She has published extensively on postmigrant theatre and was co-editor of the Oxford German Studies special issue on Emine Sevgi Özdamar in 2016. She is currently a core researcher on the project “Violence Elsewhere: Imagining Violence Outside Germany since 1945”, where she explores the ways in which the act of locating violence ‘elsewhere’ is variously employed, denied, and narrativized in a context where one in four residents of Germany have a background of post-war migration. Lizzie’s book Performing New German Realities: Turkish-German Scripts of Postmigration is due out with Palgrave in July 2021.
Postmigrant Theatre and the Mobilization of Memory: Engaging with Armenian life and death from location Berlin [ENGLISH_ENGLISCH]
Postmigrant Theatre and the Mobilization of Memory: Engaging with Armenian life and death from location Berlin