Ergün Özgür
- https://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/en/kommwiss/arbeitsstellen/internationale_kommunikation/Team/eoezguer/index.html
Ergün Özgür holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behaviour from Marmara University.
She is a Research Fellow at the Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient and Guest Researcher at the Freie Universität in Berlin. She was an Einstein Guest Researcher and Academy in Exile Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin, Research Fellow at the Leibniz – Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin and Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”, Bonn. She worked as a Visiting Professor at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium and Assistant Professor at the Cyprus International University, Nicosia.
Her research interests focus on culture, critical scholars, ethnicity, identity, gender, migration, refugees, values, the Caucasus, the Abkhazians, the Circassians, etc. She has publications on critical scholars, values, immigrants and refugees and taught courses on immigrants, refugees, culture, leadership, organizational behaviour as well as the Caucasus and conflict management.
Dr. Ergün Özgür
Research Fellow, Leibniz – Zentrum Moderner Orient [ZMO]
Guest Researcher, Freie Universität, Berlin [Institute for Media and Communication Studies]
Recent publications
Özgür, E. (2023) Feminist Solidarity Group for Disaster and the PURPLE TRUCK: Our future Children [Afet için Feminist Dayanışma Grubu ve MOR TIR: Geleceğimiz çocuklar]. Jineps Gazetesi. https://jinepsgazetesi.com/2023/03/afet-icin-feminist-dayanisma-grubu-ve-mor-tir-gelecegimiz-cocuklar/. March.
Özgür, E. (2022). Challenges of Participation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk Immigrants. The International Journal of Migration Studies –Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 12(1), 28-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25115/riem.v12i1.5320.
Özgür, E. (2022). “Critical scholars from Turkey: Challenges and opportunities in Germany” in Axyonova, Vera & Kohstall, Florian & Richter, Carola (eds). Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalisation, 143-162. Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN: 978-3-8394-6089-4.
Open Access: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-6089-0/academics-in-exile/
Özgür E. (2021). Individual Values and Acculturation Processes of Immigrant Groups from Turkey: Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 15(1), 69-97. http://www.emigration.ro/jims/Vol15_No1_2021/JIMS_Vol15_No1_2021_pp_69_97_OZGUR.pdf
Reseding Academia: Cultivating Roots of Renewal
* Pınar Şenoğuz – Moderator * Bediz Yılmaz (Aca-theme Keynote) –Rhizome in the Making: Academics for Peace at Home and in Exile [ONLINE] * Betül Yarar – Is there such a thing as ‘New Academic Humanitarianism’? Changing and Emerging Discursive and Organisational Strategies in Managing ‘Risk’ or ‘Scholars at Risk [ONLINE] * Ergün Özgür – Critical […]