NOT FAR BUT BEYOND -new chronicles crossing borders-
- 26/10/2024
GEW Berlin
We cordially invite you to attend the symposium on "new-exile intellectuals in Germany", which will be held at GEW in Berlin.
The workshop is the outcome of a larger research project entitled "New-wave displaced intellectuals in Germany:
Journalists-Politicians-Academics-Artists" supported by Gerda Henkel Foundation.
Let's co-craft knowledge together, producing knowledge is a collective act, it multiplies as it is multiplied.
NOT FAR BUT BEYOND -new chronicles crossing borders-
The concept of new-exile is a contemporary dimension of a multifaceted phenomenon: First, it has an economic-political basis stemming from persecution or conflict. It is directly linked to new modes of exchange and uneven development, being a kind of human resource transference, whose formation and reproductive costs are not paid by the destination countries. Second, the direct causes of forced migration can be identified as serious human rights violations or armed conflict, but these causes can often overlap with or be provoked by economic-political marginalization, poverty, environmental degradation, population pressure and poor governance. Third, it has been experiencing the establishment of a different form of transnational mobilization that transcends the demands of neoliberal capitalism for a transnational labour regime and extends beyond the borders of nation states. The essential characteristic of transnational space is crossing geographic, cultural and political borders, and the multiplicity of involvements; transmigrants develop new spheres of experience and new fields of social relations. These new transnational experiences challenge traditional notions related to migration. This pluri-local mobility can create multiple possibilities for new forms of agencies which to analyze new-exile would be the stratification of the mobilization.
* Pınar Şenoğuz – Moderator * Bediz Yılmaz (Aca-theme Keynote) –Rhizome in the Making: Academics for Peace at Home and in Exile [ONLINE] * Betül Yarar – Is there such a thing as ‘New Academic Humanitarianism’? Changing and Emerging Discursive and Organisational Strategies in Managing ‘Risk’ or ‘Scholars at Risk [ONLINE] * Ergün Özgür – Critical […]
* Nagehan Tokdoğan – Moderator * Özlem Savaş – Living with and Acting on Trouble: Aesthetic and Affective Imaginaries of Post-Gezi Displacement * Gizem Aksu – A Post-human Reflection: Diving Deeper into the Immigrant Identity in Germany with a Reference to the Ocean * Işıl Eğrikavuk – But You Don’t Look Turkish: Creative Responses to […]
* Zafer Yılmaz – Moderator * Nevra Akdemir – Cooking Solidarity: The Warm Face of the Struggle of Academics for Peace in Germany (BAK-Almanya) via Community Kitchens in Berlin
Experiences of exile, displacement, forced migration, and genocide not only destroy those who endure them, but they also erode our shared humanity. It grinds people to dust…. All that remains are their stories, inscribed in songs. Yet, if we continue to face the same catastrophes, it is clear that humanity has not yet learned what […]
* Christine Hanke – Moderator * Gülcin Balamir Coşkun – Journalism in Exile: The Professional Networks and Challenges of Reporters from Turkey [ONLINE] * Kübra Zeynep Sarıaslan – NGOization of Journalısm: Practices of Project- Based News-Making On Turkey from German Exile * Aslı Telli – Who Wears the BEST Hat of Super-diversity? Exiled Minds or S/Heroes […]
* Delal Aydın– Moderator * Hişyar Özsoy (Politico-theme Keynote) – On Precarity, Survival and Agency in Exile * Mustafa Şener – The Latest Wave of Political Migration from Turkey to Germany (2015-2022) * Sevil Çakır – The Kurdish Women’s Social and Political Engagements in Berlin and the Kurdish Diaspora * Latife Akyüz & Bilge Cömert […]
The GEW is the Education Union in the German Trade Union Federation (DGB). With over 30,000 people from state and private educational institutions, GEW BERLIN is by far the largest interest organisation in Berlin's education system. GEW fights for better working conditions and represents the interests of employees in all areas of education: students, teachers, educators, social pedagogues, university teachers, scientists and many others.
Based on the firm belief that social change requires a reflective confrontation with today’s capitalist society as a whole, the foundation strives to develop alternative concepts and approaches for a comprehensive process of social transformation enabling the creation of a more united and just society. Education and training in democratic socialist politics, analysis, information, and policy advice are therefore the foundation’s basic tasks, which we pursue and implement at the regional, national, and international levels.
Dedicated to all intellectuals who, in Benjamin’s person, are caught at the borders…
From the books that were burned with applause during Kristallnacht to the universities that were burned and destroyed into ashes and stones, to the academics who were massacred and whose massacres were just ignored…
From the artists deprived of their right to express and create, to all intellectuals whose voices are suffocated in the spirals of silence, to journalists whose pens are broken, to politicians and activists imprisoned in isolation…
May that passage, where he was stranded in a warm part of the Mediterranean, be the home of his flaneur brothers and flaneuse sisters, who were being slaughtered in the same sea that has now turned into a human swamp…
“Die Tradition der Unterdrückten belehrt uns darüber, daß der Ausnahmezustands in dem wir leben, die Regel ist! (The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule.)”