Reseding Academia: Cultivating Roots of Renewal
* Pınar Şenoğuz – Moderator
* Bediz Yılmaz (Aca-theme Keynote) –Rhizome in the Making: Academics for Peace at Home and in Exile [ONLINE]
* Betül Yarar – Is there such a thing as ‘New Academic Humanitarianism’? Changing and Emerging Discursive and Organisational Strategies in Managing ‘Risk’ or ‘Scholars at Risk [ONLINE]
* Ergün Özgür – Critical scholars from Turkey: Challenges and opportunities in Germany
* Nevra Akdemir – Cooking Solidarity: The Warm Face of the Struggle of Academics for Peace in Germany (BAK-Almanya) via Community Kitchens in Berlin
* Latife Akyüz – Reframing Exilic Academia: