Özgür Çiçek
- http://www.ozgurcicek.de/
Özgür Çiçek is a film scholar, researcher, and lecturer in the Media and Culture Department of University of Amsterdam. She holds a PhD in Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture. Her research interests include national and transnational cinemas, minor cinemas, migrant cinemas, audiovisual heritage and memory studies, film philosophy, documentary film and archive studies. More information on her research and publications can be reached at: www.ozgurcicek.de
Exilic Art: Convergence at the Crossroads
* Nagehan Tokdoğan – Moderator * Özlem Savaş – Living with and Acting on Trouble: Aesthetic and Affective Imaginaries of Post-Gezi Displacement * Gizem Aksu – A Post-human Reflection: Diving Deeper into the Immigrant Identity in Germany with a Reference to the Ocean * Işıl Eğrikavuk – But You Don’t Look Turkish: Creative Responses to […]
Reseding Academia: Cultivating Roots of Renewal
* Pınar Şenoğuz – Moderator * Bediz Yılmaz (Aca-theme Keynote) –Rhizome in the Making: Academics for Peace at Home and in Exile [ONLINE] * Betül Yarar – Is there such a thing as ‘New Academic Humanitarianism’? Changing and Emerging Discursive and Organisational Strategies in Managing ‘Risk’ or ‘Scholars at Risk [ONLINE] * Ergün Özgür – Critical […]